Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oakes Daylily Festival

On one of the hottest day of this summer a couple of us went to the Oakes Daylily Festival. If you like Daylilys you've got to go, it's something to see. I had ordered out of their catalogs before but never been to the festival it's so pretty, I took a couple of pics of some of my favorite lily's.
Name:Creative Edge $40.00 a plant
Name: Lake Norman Spider $ 30.00 a plant

Name: Fooled Me $50.00 a plant

Name: Dragon's Eye $25.00 a plant

I thought the festival would be a great place to take pics of the girls outside.. I thought they turned out GREAT...SWEAT AND ALL....!!!

Here's the girls with my niece Caidee she was such a trooper in the HOTness.

The girls was just walking down the paths of daylilys and I just started snapping pics . I think this one turned out neat..

Jimmy's Mamaw Katie, & Aunt Robbie went with us along with my sister-in-law Linda, & my niece Caidee. We are going to make this a yearly event. For every person who comes gets a free daylily & free refreshments. They also have a kids area , a sandbox, jumping gyms, paint makers. Of course we didn't leave empty handed they were having a Daylily sale, I myself bought 3 kinds, then Mamaw Katie bought us girls one.

The Daylily Festival is usually in late JUNE OR EARLY JULY!

1 comment:

Robin Cox said...

Yes, it was really, really hot, but a lot of fun. Melissa, you got some really good pictures. The one with Jennah and Jaiden with the fountain behind them was teriffic, along with the one of them back to back. Have a good week. Aunt Robbie